Cheskel Types & Traits
Compact Visual GuideCheskel can have incredibly varied appearances, but they will always follow a few rules.

Size and Body
Cheskel will always be between 2 and 4 feet tall.
They have monkey-like bodies with very mobile shoulders, short muzzles with rabbit-like noses, and rat-like hands and feet. They can be any body type, but usually weigh between 20 to 50 pounds.
Their eyes and claws usually match their crystal colors, but not always.

Cheskel are ambipedal, which means they can walk upright or on all fours. When walking upright, most walk flat-footed.
Their hands are like a rat or a racoon's, with fleshy palms rather than pads. Either outer finger can bend like a thumb.
Their feet are like a rat's. The outer toes can spread out to grip things better.

Cheskel will always have a crest of smooth crystal ear-feathers at minimum. These crystal feathers can be any shape or color besides completely clear. Cheskel will usually have between 8 and 15 feathers; any more than 25 is exponentially rare. The crystals are connected to their nerves and are agonizing to remove if not lethal.

Because of their highly adaptive DNA, Cheskel can have nearly any colors, patterns, or traits. However, traits will always appear on certain areas of the body. In addition, some traits are rarer, needing a very specific enivironment or an enormous amount of energy to manifest. An ambitious Cheskel looking to change their appearance can dye their fur, restyle their manes and hair, or for more dramatic changes, participate in the Rite of Alteration.
Note: The below traits are just examples. If you have an idea for a trait you'd like your Cheskel to have, consult with a moderator and we'll find a way to implment it.
Colors and Patterns

Coats can come in any colors and patterns if an egg is given the right environment. While most Cheskel are born with natural patterns like spots or stripes, some have more artificial patterns. Because a Cheskel can always dye their fur later, colors and patterns have no rarity. Have fun and be creative!
Common Traits
The most common traits for Cheskel are a variation in fur and crystals feathers. Patches of longer fur, manes, and up to 15 crystal feathers are all very common accents.

Uncommon Traits
Traits like these often stem from being around uncommon beings or environments as an egg, but can be gained. These traits are small but noticeable divergences from common Cheskel. This includes other tail types, small horns, fangs/tusks, irregular crystal accents, and 15-20 feathers
Rare Traits
These traits are considered mutations and are incredibly hard to cultivate during the egg phase. Gaining these traits requires help from an incredible power. These include multiple tails, aquatic features, fins, wings, large horns, and 20-25 feathers
Below are some bases if you would like to use them to make a Cheskel! The bases are just to get you started; feel free to draw outside the lines and add to the base. You can also draw and design one from scratch if you'd like. If you do download and use the base, do not repost or claim as your own.